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The first 10 years


London, 11th of October 2017.

As I write this I am sitting on the tube going to band rehearsal getting ready for our gig at The Black Heart this coming Saturday.

I just thought about what I was doing exactly 10 years ago. And guess what it was? I was sitting on the tube going to band rehearsal…lol

Yes, it’s been 10 years now! I remember this date because our very first show ever was on the 12th of October 2007 in Kentish Town, London. The bar was called Bullet Bar and as many other London music venues it doesn’t exist anymore.

That show was really cool! We had the support of about 30 friends who turned up to see what LG was about. I remember I didn’t even have a decent amp and my friend Mark let me borrow his Marshall (thanks again mate, in case you’re reading this). My friend Dan filmed the gig and I must have it on tape somewhere.

The world was a bit different back then before iPhones and YouTube became popular. And the band looked very different too! We were a 4 piece back then, now we are a duo. I was in my 20s and I was hungry to play rock’n’roll. Not many things have changed apart from me now being in my 30s and a few grays…lol The passion to play rock’n’roll is the same. Actually it’s a bit bigger now after going on for so long!

10 years gone!

I knew what kind of music I wanted to play and never lost focus. I’ve met many people along the way who thought they knew what they wanted too. In fact, for a moment they thought that LG was what they wanted to do. Most of them were wrong and I’m grateful for having met so many different musicians (some of them “wanna be musicians” – if you’re following us since the MySpace days you know who I’m talking about – I wish the wanna be musicians stopped joining us in the MySpace days…lol). But anyway, everything was good because it made me learn a lot about people and about being in a band that has a direction.

I’ve lost count of how many different line ups we had, but just over five years ago the biggest change happened in the band. Giuliano joined us and then things got serious. The band went to another level musically speaking as well as at the live shows. What we have achieved together since then has been really rewarding: one full album recorded. Another full album on the making (as I write this we only have the vocals left to be recorded for on our second album). Many cool festivals played. Shows in different cities all over England. We’ve got our music featured in a few radio stations. Many interviews done for some cool magazines and music blogs. A few music videos released. And most important of all, our music have reached a lot people from gig to gig and the feedback is usually positive. More than the plays we’ve had on Spotify, YouTube or cd sales, the reaction at our live shows is always amazing and that’s a constant that never changes, thankfully.

Ten years later I can say that we are on the right way and I hope to carry on living and loving LG for many more “10 years” to come.



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