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Jan 234 min read
Reflecting on 2024 and Looking Forward to 2025
<p>Hello friends, I hope 2025 is treating you well! As some of you know, I like keeping a written record of what goes on with LOST GRAVITY. I’m three weeks late for this post, but better late than never…lol 2024 in review In 2024 we became a power trio again. I was never a fan […]</p>

Jun 10, 20181 min read
Our first open air festival.
<p>Now that we are back in England, we’re reflecting on how awesome the shows in Ukraine were! We kicked off the tour on Wednesday 23rd of May playing a small club in Lviv. The following days we played in Kalush, Dubno, Lutsk and Khmelnytskyy. There were five gigs in total and we got to meet a […]</p>
Oct 11, 20173 min read
The first 10 years
<p>London, 11th of October 2017. As I write this I am sitting on the tube going to band rehearsal getting ready for our gig at The Black Heart this coming Saturday. I just thought about what I was doing exactly 10 years ago. And guess what it was? I was sitting on the tube going […]</p>
Sep 17, 20162 min read
A New Season Has Begun!
<p>Hey folks, how are you doing? It’s been a while since my last blog post. So much has happened since “broken bones” (if you follow this blog you know what I am talking about) . For those of you interested, the recovery from surgery was perfect and now over 11 months later my foot is 100%! (thanks again […]</p>

Nov 17, 20153 min read
Broken Bones (but still standing)
<p>Hey guys, how are you doing? If you follow our blog you must know that I like keeping a written record of the LG history. (Okay, I still haven’t written about 2014 but I’ll catch up with that one soon…lol). On Friday 2nd of October 2015 we played a gig at The Barfly. It was […]</p>

Aug 2, 20153 min read
it’s been a long time…
<p>Hey guys, It’s been a very long time since I blogged. My last post is from December 2013! So much has happened since then! Whenever I have some free time I will write a blog covering 2014 (our busiest year ever, hence no time for blogging…lol) – but right now I’m gonna write about the first […]</p>

Dec 27, 20133 min read
another year gone by
<p>Hey guys, how are you doing? Today is Boxing Day and I hope you all had a great Christmas!! 2013 is nearly over now and I must say: what a great year! We would like to thank you all who have supported us coming to our shows, buying our music, sending your messages with your positive thoughts […]</p>

Oct 28, 201325 min read
blog archives 2007-2010
<p>Here is our blog archives recording the history of LOST GRAVITY from 2007 to 2010. These posts were hosted in our old myspace page but then deleted from the server when they changed it into the new myspace. Below you’ll find time travel at its best. Enjoy! 13th Nov 2006 Hey there, this is my project, Lost […]</p>

Jul 11, 20131 min read
Led Gravity
<p>Hey guys, Just thought I should write a quick post here to keep you updated on what’s going on in our LG world. It’s been 3 months since my last post. During this time we’ve been playing lots in the rehearsal room and the band sounds tighter than ever! We’ve been writing some new songs […]</p>

Apr 3, 20131 min read
Back on stage, yeah!!
<p>Finally!! After 3 gigs booked and the same 3 gigs cancelled (see my previous post), we finally got back on stage! Our first gig of 2013 was last Wednesday 27/03 at The Water Rats (London) and it was awesome! One of our best gigs ever! Before the gig everything was a bit rushed as Giuliano […]</p>

Mar 20, 20131 min read
3 gigs that never happened
<p>Hey guys, sup? As the title of this blog says, we’ve had 3 cancellations out of 3 gigs booked this year! Strange, isn’t it? The first gig that never happened was at The Water Rats and it was cancelled by the promoter due to the snow. The second gig was at Dusk Till Dawn and it […]</p>

Mar 11, 20133 min read
new year, new songs
<p>Hey guys, Happy New Year!! lol We’re already in March! Where did the time go? 😛 It doesn’t matter, really. What matters is that everything is going well in the LOST GRAVITY camp! If you read my last blog, you know how happy I am having Iggy and Giuliano on board. Great musicians, top blokes! We’ve […]</p>

Nov 22, 20122 min read
stronger than ever
<p>Hey guys, It’s been about 6 months since my last blog. Six months! Time flies!! But good things come to those who wait! (or shall I say that good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up?). After months looking for new band mates, I am happy that we are […]</p>

May 20, 20123 min read
a few comments on Lost Gravity III
<p>Hey guys, been a while! Once again, things took longer than usual to happen, but they are finally here (or almost…lol). This time I’m talking about our third EP, Lost Gravity III. The recordings took much longer than expected due to lots of unexpected things happening along the way. From a huge personal loss (see […]</p>
Sep 24, 20111 min read
news update – Sep ’11
<p>Hello guys, It’s been 2 months since our last blog. So many personal things happened during this time that it was best to leave the Lost Gravity updates aside for a while (but not the music though!). Amongst those things, the departure of our drummer Phil (who had to move back to Colombia) and me […]</p>

Jul 21, 20112 min read
the good, the bad and the ugly
<p>Last night we played The Enterprise in Camden, last band on at a risky 10:30pm lot. First of all though, I have to give a shout out to The Gentle Italian, who were the first band on the bill. They played their first song, a fun funky reggae type affair, except they had no drummer! […]</p>

Jul 19, 20112 min read
if only we could go back in time…
<p>Hello folks, This is my first post here on WP and as the title  says: “if only we could go back in time” (ha!). After one year away from a proper “online presence” I thought it was about time to get the band’s diary up again. It used to be fun in the good old myspace […]</p>
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