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Reflecting on 2024 and Looking Forward to 2025


Updated: Jan 24

Hello friends, I hope 2025 is treating you well!

As some of you know, I like keeping a written record of what goes on with LOST GRAVITY. I’m three weeks late for this post, but better late than never…lol

2024 in review

In 2024 we became a power trio again. I was never a fan of playing with a click track, plus I always felt a bit lonely being at the front of the stage with Giuliano hiding behind the drums. So becoming a power trio was cool (you can read more about it on my last blog entry).

Last year we played 5 awesome shows with the new line up in 31 days, and every show was better than the previous one! The debut show was at Temple of Art & Music in south London. It was a good gig for a first.

The second show was at our local The World’s End. This gig was a bit demanding as we did a 90 minutes show split into three sets. The new guys had to put a lot into it learning the whole material and we delivered! The vibes were great and we made a new few fans that night.

The third show with the new line up was at our local The Good Mixer. This gig to me was the best gig we played in 2024. Okay, maybe not the best, but my favourite! The vibe that night was amazing! If you were there you know what I mean, and it was a Sunday night! We finished our set and people wanted more so we did a cover song as an encore and the whole place was rocking out! What I really liked about that show is that there was no stage, no lights, nothing fancy. Just a rock’n’roll band playing to a bunch of rock music lovers and everyone was on the same level that night. I loved it!

The following gig was at Temple of Art & Music again. This time we were headlining and we played a 90 minutes set straight. It was probably our longest show to date. The gig was on a Thursday night and the place wasn’t as busy as we expected. Still, it was a good show.

The last show of 2024 was at The Underworld in Camden supporting Angra for the second time. If you are friends with us you probably know “the experience” that we had opening for them in 2023 (it wasn’t the best). This time, however, it was the completely opposite. We were treated with respect and really enjoyed not only the show itself, but everything behind the scenes. I told Rafael and Marcelo from Angra what happened in 2023 and they had no idea about it. Both of them apologised and told me what (or shall I say who…lol) caused all those problems in 2023. I am glad that we cleared up things and I can tell you that those guys are top guys! After the gig that night we hit the pubs in Camden and ended up having an after party back at mine until 5:30am. It was fun! (not so much fun the hangover the next day….lol).

Last year we started releasing the recordings of every single show as a bootleg. The older people will remember those bootlegs, just a tape recorder in the room capturing what’s going on. If you’re interested in those recordings, you can download them for £3, or stream them straight from our bandcamp page. The link is here.

2025 plans

As I am writing this, we have two gigs coming up in the next two weeks. If you are reading this in time, come down to see us live and let’s party!

The first show of 2025 will be at The World’s End in Camden. It is on Friday 31st of January and it is free entry! We are on stage at 6:30pm and once again we will be playing three sets of 30 minutes.

The week after, on Saturday 8th of February, we are playing our now traditional double birthday bash show sharing the stage with our friends Black Wolf Blues. Keeping the tradition this show will take place in the good old St. Moritz Club in Soho, one of our fave venues in London. Giuliano is back on the drums and you can be sure that you’ll hear us playing Broken Bones live again!

One last thing to add to this blog is that I’ve finally started working on new music. New year, new songs! I’m still not sure whether we are going to release them as single tracks, or save them for a third album. The third album is more likely to happen since it’s been 7 years since How to Make a Giant came out. Time flies when you’re having fun…lol

So that’s it for now, folks. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you at one of our gigs soon! As always, thanks for your support!



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