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stronger than ever


Hey guys,

It’s been about 6 months since my last blog. Six months! Time flies!! But good things come to those who wait! (or shall I say that good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up?).

After months looking for new band mates, I am happy that we are a full band again! And I am really pleased to say that we are now stronger than ever! (If you watched our “come back” gig on the 9th of Nov 2012 you know exactly what I am talking about!).


Iggy Nulli is our new bassist, replacing my good friend Sherlock Michaels who played with us for over one year but unfortunately had to leave the band due to a medical condition. If you’re reading this now, mate, know that you’re in my prayers and we all hope that you recover soon!

Iggy replied to one of my ads and when we met for the first time for a pint and a chat we hit it off straight away! A pint became 7 pints of Guinness and a funny night out in Camden Town. That was a great start! Also, our influences and favourites are very similar which is pretty cool! Welcome on board, mate!

On the drums we now have a good old friend of mine, Giuliano Kolling. We met for the first time back in 2002 at the old Astoria after a Dream Theater gig (thanks for reminding me that, mate, I honestly couldn’t remember! lol). Giuliano and I played together in a few music projects back in 2004 and after that we didn’t meet for almost 8 years since he moved to Brazil! Welcome back, mate! And welcome to the band!

Our come back gig (mentioned above) was at The White Lion, Streatham, same place where last year I played my first gig as the vocalist of LOST GRAVITY. That’s history being made! lol

If you missed that gig, you still have the chance to see us live this month before we lock ourselves up in the studio to write and record new music. Our next gig is on Friday, 30/11/2012 at Nambucca, Holloway Road, London. We’ve been talking about recording that gig and releasing it as a Live EP, let’s see what happens.

That’s all for now, just thought it was about time to update you on what’s going on in our LOST GRAVITY world. Hope to see you at one of our gigs soon!



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